داستان آبیدیک

shunt injection


1 مکانیک:: تزریق شنت

Shunt injection is one approach to improve the performance of labyrinth seals. FIGURE 10.43 Shunt injection at balance piston between high- and low-pressure sections. An experimental study to compare the subsynchronous vibrations and instability char- acteristics of a conventional labyrinth seal, labyrinth seal with shunt injection, and a hon- eycomb seal has been conducted in a joint NASA-USAF funded program (Soto and Childs, 1998). The test seal, 130 mm in diameter and 63 mm in length, is provided with feed holes for shunt injection, and choking of the holes is avoided by controlling the exit Mach num- ber to less than 0.33. Shunt injection is facilitated by deleting the fourth tooth, and the flow occurs in both direc- tions of the seal (Fig. 10.43).

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